Exquisite Tones of Leela James

Hear any Leela James song and you’ll know that it’s a Leela James song without being told.

You won’t know from the sound of the music. It’s not exceptionally different to the familiar, classic, feel-good sounds of R&B music from yesteryears.


But you will be absolutely sure it’s Leela James’ music by the sound of her voice. Because the tone of that voice is absolutely and distinctly unique in the great big world of vocalists within it. All in all the sound of that voice is smouldering, sexy, sometimes gritty and others sweet, emotive and exquisite. For that, for her, Leela James songs can be listened to over and over again at any ole time.

Leela James

With the release of her new album Fall For You, the world has 10 more soul/R&B songs with the one and only Leela James Voice to appreciate. One of them has the added bonus of featuring the silky-smooth, always-flawless vocals of Anthony Hamilton.

Leela James - Fall For You (2014)

The inclusion of Leela James in the line-up for Soulfest 2014 alongside her contemporaries of the Soul/R&B world (including Anthony Hamilton, Angie StoneAloe Blacc, D’Angelo and Maxwell) means people in Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand soon get the pleasure of having the ultimate Leela James experience – hearing her exquisite voice live – with her band 🙂 .

“I’ve been performing on stages for as long as I can remember, every since I was a little girl. I’ve shared the stage with the greats and toured with the best traveling the world. Doing shows with my band because yes I like to do it live…that is with a live band, because to me that’s where it all started from. That’s real music, real instrumentation, real live sangin. That’s what I do and what I’ve been doing. That’s what I plan to keep doing until I can’t do it anymore. So thank you….thank you for years of love and support! I’ll see you in your city or a city near you soon!”  (Leela James – 24.9.14)

Leela James

For the South Pacific “your city or a city near you soon” means at Soulfest in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Auckland on 18, 19, 25 and 26 October 2014 . Or for a more intimate live experience with Leela James and Maxwell, in Sydney at their Enmore Theatre side-show on 21 October.

This is Australia and New Zealand’s ‘first annual neo-soul, jazz & hip hop festival‘. The 1st has a killer line-up that no lover of contemporary soul and R&B music should want to miss.

Soulfest 2014 flyer

To get you warmed up for it (or just feeling good anyways), listen here to the distinct and exquisite tones of Leela James on these sample tracks from the new album Fall For You + her 2010 album My Soul.  A reminder as always before you listen – they are just mp3s. These and past Leela James albums in hard copy are easy to find and buy.

Leela James - Fall For You (2014)Leela James - Fall For You (2014)Leela James - Fall For You (2014)

‘Give It’ – Leela James – Fall For You (2014)


‘So Good’  Fall For You (2014)


Leela James - My Soul (2010)

‘I Want It All’ – Leela James My Soul (2010)


‘I Ain’t New To This’ My Soul (2010)


Check out sample tracks by other Soulfest 2014 artists here.

Then see y’all in person at Soulfest real soon listening to the “real music, real instrumentation, real live sangin” of the gorgeous Leela James and more.

Leela James

If you ain’t